Food waste is becoming an increasingly important problem around the world. Today, a total of 931 million tons of food is wasted according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), which means that 17% of total food production worldwide goes to the trash.
In addition, globally, 112 kilograms of food are wasted per capita (at the consumer level), of which 74 are produced in households. All these discarded foods have a strong impact not only economically and socially, but also environmentally.
Food waste: a major factor in climate change
According to the UN, it is estimated that between 8 and 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food that is not consumed, so food waste negatively affects climate change, which is already beginning to show some of its severe consequences, such as the deterioration of food security.
Ensuring that food reaches all those who need it and, incidentally, reducing the environmental impact, is a challenge and a great opportunity to produce efficient products while saving economic resources, because wasting food also wastes the economic and natural resources used throughout the entire process (land, water, energy, etc.).
At BTSA, a company dedicated to the manufacture of natural antioxidants and natural vitamin E, we develop antioxidants that extend the shelf life of foods and maintain their nutritional properties for longer, thus allowing each food to reach all parts of the planet in the best conditions for its consumption.
Extending the shelf life of foods with antioxidants
In recent years, the use of antioxidants has grown in the food market due to its technological benefits, making more and more companies interested in protecting their products against oxidation and thus prolonging their shelf life. Natural antioxidants are an effective and scientifically proven solution to slow down oxidation processes, extend product shelf life, and therefore reduce food waste.
Actually, antioxidants are nothing more than components whose main function is to prevent oxidation of food, which is why today the food industry depends on them to ensure that products retain their quality for as long as possible.
The problem is that when a food is oxidized, in most cases it undergoes changes in color, smell or taste, and it may even lose part of its nutritional value and can cause a health problem for the consumer.
That is why, although oxidation is an irreversible process that cannot be completely avoided, there are ways to delay it in order to preserve food for longer, and one of them is to use antioxidants.
In short, the antioxidants in BTSA play a fundamental role in reducing food waste. By delaying the oxidation process, which sooner or later inevitably takes place, the products can be consumed for a longer period of time, prolonging their life.
Considering that less food loss and waste would lead to more efficient land use and better management of water resources, which would have a positive effect on livelihoods and the fight against climate change, the use of antioxidants in the food industry becomes a simple but essential action.
Download our ebook and discover the keys to choosing the ideal antioxidant for your product!
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