Laboratory Services

BTSA has over 170 square meters of laboratory space for the development of new products, quality control and research and development projects. We also put our resources at the service of our clients with the following laboratory services.

Accelerated Oxidation

The rancidity of oils and fats is initially detectable via sensory means by volatile compounds. Exposure to high temperatures accelerates their oxidation, which can be assessed in the long term via specific tests.


The Rancimat method, based on AOCS Cd 12b-92 and ISO 6886 guidelines, measures the oxidative stability of a sample by exposing it to high temperatures and air, accelerating its oxidation. Volatile oxidation products affect the conductivity of distilled water in a closed container, generating an oxidation curve. The inflection point of this curve indicates the stability against oxidation. This test also allows comparing antioxidants and determining the most effective dose to improve the oxidative stability of the products.


The RapidOxy test is an accelerated oxidation test that measures oxidation in liquid and solid samples. It uses an oxygen absorption method, increasing the temperature and oxygen pressure in a sealed chamber to speed up the process. During oxidation, oxygen is consumed, reducing the pressure. The time until the pressure drops to a predetermined level is called “induction time” and indicates the full oxidation of the sample.


The Schaal method consists of an accelerated oxidation test in which a sample is stored in an oven at a controlled constant temperature for a variable period of time that depends on the degree of oxidation of the sample.
Periodically, fat is cold extracted from a fraction of the sample with petroleum ether and the peroxide index is determined to control the oxidation state. Exponential oxidation charts are then produced from the data obtained in these measurements.

Acid test

Acidity in oils and fats indicates their degradation due to the action of lipases that generate free fatty acids. At BTSA, this analysis is performed by means of acid-base titration according to Commission Regulation 2568/91 and the Food Chemical Codex. Results are expressed as mg of NaOH required to neutralize the free fatty acids or as a percentage of the predominant fatty acid, usually oleic acid.

Lipid Profile

The composition of fatty acids in an oil defines its nature, since each origin has a unique profile. At BTSA, we use a method according to European Pharmacopoeia 6.6 to determine the profile of fatty acids as methyl esters. The results indicate the percentage of each fatty acid in the oil, based on our experience and technical knowledge.

Peroxide Index

The oxidation of fatty acids in oils and fats, which produces peroxides and compounds responsible for rancid flavor and aroma, is crucial to determining their quality. The peroxide value measures this oxidation and is regulated by European legislation, which sets a maximum limit for oils and fats on the market. This volumetric redox analysis is expressed in milliequivalents of oxygen (O2) per kilogram of fat.

Colorimetric study

Also known as CIELAB, it is currently one of the most popular and consistent color tests used to evaluate the color of an object.

This color test is commonly used, as it is based on human color perception. Lab’s numerical values describe all the colors seen by a person with normal vision.

Main uses:

• Analysis of color stability

• Quality warranty

• Other

Servicios de Laboratorio

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